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Return Music Accessories Products 音樂配件貨品退貨條件


  1. 誤用或人為損壞。

  2. 產品已經開封 (包括除去包裝膠紙、包裝盒、包裝袋或吊牌)。

  3. 貨品已有不同程度的使用痕跡,包括但不限於壓痕、塗污、變形等。


Returns are not accepted in the following cases:

  1. Misuse or artificial damages.

  2. The product has been opened (including the removal of packaging tape, boxes, bags or tags).

  3. The item has been used to varying degrees, including but not limited to indentations, smears, deformations, etc.

Return Application Period 


客人收到貨物後3天內可申請退貨,恕不接受逾期申請。如退貨條件符合Mi Fa Sol Studio 的退貨政策,請聯絡 並提交需要退貨的訂單和貨品資料。



Application can be submitted to us within 3 days after you receive your package. No overdue applications will be accepted. If the return conditions are in accordance with Head Hole's return policy, please email to  with your order number and product information.


As there are varying shipping locations, we will inform you about the specific return method after your application is confirmed.

Return Checking 檢查退貨

  1. 退貨前請檢查清楚貨品本身及其附件、包裝、相關贈品、保養書、說明書等,任何缺漏或損毀狀況均會影響退貨申請。即使某些貨品為一次性包裝,貨品退貨時亦請盡量回復原狀,請在收貨時務必確認核對後才拆封。

  2. 請使用送貨時的原包裝或紙箱將退貨貨品包裝妥當,以免在運送途中受損,影響退貨。

  3. 特價貨品不設退換。

  4. 部分電器貨品,或因退換貨需經廠商檢測,故處理時間可能較長。


  1. Please double check the item along with corresponding accessories, packaging, gifts, warranty card and manual before returning. Any missing or damaged conditions will affect the process. Please ensure it is in original state even if some items are in one-time packaging. Thus, Please check carefully before opening the items you receive.

  2. Please use the original packaging or carton at the time of delivery to package the returned goods in order to avoid damage during transportation and affect the return.

  3. Items sold in special offers are not refundable.

  4. Some small household appliances will be tested by the manufacturer, so the processing time may be longer.


當確認貨品已成功退回後,我們會與您核實退款方式,並於不多於15個工作天內完成有關手續。Mi Fa Sol Studio 退款方式分為兩種如下:


我們可以將退貨餘額轉換成一張現金券返還,當您下次在 Mi Fa Sol Studio 購物時可作現金使用。



We will check the refund method with you and complete the relevant procedures within 15 working days once the items have been successfully returned.  Head Hole refund methods are divided into two types as follows:


Cash Voucher
We can convert the return balance into a cash voucher, that you can use next time when shopping at Head Hole. 

Bank Refund
We will contact with the bank to refund the unused amount once we receive your return items. Normally the process takes 7-15 working days.

Cancellations and Changes 取消、更改訂單

  1. 下單時請小心核對產品及填寫資料,所有訂單經確認後,均不能作出任何修改。

  2. 由於在確認訂單後會即時向供應商訂取產品,同時收款系統即時向你的銀行發出收取相應款項的通知。在一般情況下,所有已確認的訂單,均不能提出作任何修改(包括取消訂單或增減產品)。

  3. 如因供應商未能提供該產品或出現貨運物流延遲等問題,本公司有權隨時取消訂單及安排退款,這種情況下,本公司不會收取任何手續費。

  4. 如有特殊情況需要取消訂單,請於收到訂單確認電郵後聯絡。本公司就每單取消之要求,將收取佔訂單總額的額外 10% 之手續費。

  1. Please carefully double check the order details when placing the order. All orders cannot be modified after confirmation.

  2. All confirmed orders can not be modified (including canceling orders or adding or removing products) since the product will be ordered from our vendors immediately after the order is confirmed, and our system will send a request to your bank to collect the corresponding payment,

  3. If our vendors fail to provide the products or the freight / logistics delay occurs, etc., the company has the right to cancel the order and arrange a refund at any time. In this case, the company will not charge any handling fee.

  4. If you need to cancel the order under special circumstances, please contact after receiving the order confirmation email. The company will charge an additional 10% handling fee for each cancellation request.

Mi Fa Sol Studio 就退換事宜,保留一切最終決定權利。
In the event of dispute, Mi Fa Sol Studio 's decision shall be final and conclusive.

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